Maison Bruil

Maison Bruil di Introd is one of the most important examples of rural architecture of the area of Gran Paradiso. 
It is an ancient rural house built in 1683; all the spaces necessary to human and animal survival are gathered together below the same roof.
The current shape is the result of an architectonical evolution that started in 1683 and ended in 1856, when, from the original “columns house”, different constructions conflated in only one nucleus.
A guided tour is available and it is possible to visit the three floors of the traditional house, where the rooms have been restored to their original function. The “crotta”, the natural icebox, the “crotteun”, “the peillo”, exsiccation rooms and the attic are some of the spaces the public can visit to discover more about traditional architecture.

Opening hours

From July 1st to September 9th: Every day from 2.30 p.m. to 6.30 p.m.


11010 INTROD (AO)
Phone: +39 389 8377437